1. Cry

2. Laugh

3. Connect to a higher source of energy.
You are always surrounded by it. #higher #source #energy #surrounded

4. Rebel against life as you know it, and create adventure. #rebel #adventure

5. Place all your extra energy into other areas you love,

6. Be your best self,

7. Make every day special and beautiful,
Create beautiful memories. #everyday #special #beautiful

8. Develop relationships with people you appreciate surrounding yourself with,
Find the people who make you feel good when you hang out with them. #relationships #appreciate #feelgood

9. Health Health Health
Energy and a clear mind is everything on your pathway upwards in life. #health #upwards #journey #pathway

10. Picture your best you and the steps you can take towards getting there.
And only amplify the above once your dream relationship does embrace you in time
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