Tips For Getting From Dreamer To Completer
1. Try figuring out why your lingering in no man’s land –
What you don’t know is really hard to correct.
2. Figure out the best outcome –
So that you can steer your steps towards that
3. Keep improving your vision and dream –
So you don’t lose steam and faith in your project.
4. Perfection might be your nature –
That’s alright -
Do it as perfect as you can now –
And as perfect as you can later later.
5. Truly rejoice in the process –
That will make the next milestone –
That much more fun to reach for.
6. Make a positive affirmation mantra to contrast barrios of doubt –
Your thoughts of motivation and worthiness of success will keep you level headed
so you can seize the possibilities of the moment.
7. Plan out the right decisions -
So that you can be confident that the decisions you are making are the very best you could possibly get to at this time.
8. Meditate –
So much clarity comes from a moment of silence.
9. Be mindful of what feels good to you –
The results of your soul searching might take an extra push and effort to achieve –
But they will be the things that allow you to align your life.
10. Allow the delightful moments in your life to come alive –
These moments can bring you joy and success without your having to agonize.
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